Our quality work

“Learn continually. There’s always ‘one more thing’ to learn!”
– Steve Jobs

Om oss

How safe is a bedbug dog?

A well-trained bedbug dog has the ability to find single bedbugs in all stages, from egg to adult.

A well-trained bedbug dog has the ability to find single bedbugs in all stages, from egg to adult.

An experienced and skilled handler together with a well-trained dog has an accuracy that surpasses all other methods of detecting bedbugs.

We always combine dog searches with visual checks. In this way, we ensure the most accurate result possible. When a dog marks, we also make a visual check of the site to both verify the marking but also to assess the size of the attack.

Education and training

It takes about 6-9 months to train a completely inexperienced dog to become an operational detection dog. Each handler undergoes training both internally and externally (via Nattaro Labs) where they learn all about the biology of bedbugs and decontamination methods.

Training and skills development are continuous throughout the dog’s working life.

Did you know that...

QDD’s dog handlers carry out annual serviceability checks via BOSH, the Industry Organization for Search Dogs.

en beagle som söker efter vägglöss

How do I choose my supplier?

Choose your supplier carefully and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

It takes a long time to train a really good and reliable bed bug team. But education is not everything. Experience in operational work is less important and it takes time to gain that experience. We like to say that  bed bugs are one of the most difficult things to work with, not only from a sanitation perspective but also from a psychological perspective. 

Here are a few questions to ask when you’re looking for a bed bug or rat dog to carry out work in your home:

1. How long have you been working with …. (bedbugs, drugs, explosives, mold, etc.)?

2. How many search missions have you carried out?

3. How do you ensure the quality of your search dogs? 

4. How do you verify any markings?

Book a search dog with Quality Detection Dogs!

We help both individuals and businesses with pest control.